Thursday, 29 January 2009
Challenge #46
Monday, 26 January 2009
Yummy blog candy
Sorry I've no picks to put up at the moment of the UT pieces I was going to make. I never got to play today due to visitors of the family kind, as it's the other halfs birthday the 26th....Oooo that's now then. Will post a picky of the card I made him after he's seen it... he pops in on my blog from time to time so don't want him seeing before hand.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
My next post hopefully won't be so short & sweet. Tomorrow I hope to get to grips with a few packs of those scrummy Cosmic Shimmer UT powders that I brought recently, I love UT & these are the first lot of Cosmics that I've brought..... can't wait to see the results & hope to share with you all the finished results.
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Your having a laugh challenge # 45
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Wow I won... & it arrived today
While on the subject of good things, my youngest dog Milo started Agility tonight & he was great, really did me proud... I was quite worried he'd go gallivanting off around the enclosure when let off & not jump one hurdle, but, not only did he jump it he then went on to do a jump, then the tunnel followed by 2 more jumps.... woo hoo
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Wow a new award

The above award is called 'The Marie Antoinette' a Real Person, a Real Award.
The rules are:
1. Link to the person who gave you the award
2. Nominate 7 more persons
3. Link the nominees and let them know about this award
4. Post the award on my blog
The seven I've chosen are:
1, Phree
2, Anesha
3, Donna
4, Deby
5, Maddy
6, Sharon
7, Beth
Changing the way you leave a comment
BTW, if you need to know more Shirley has a bit on her blog about it which might help you out
Saturday, 10 January 2009
2009 & a card
but thought I'd post a pic of the card I made when I first got the wonderful faeries & wildlife stamps from Graphicus back in November. (it was going to go into the December Graphicus website competition, but doesn't look like it will be happening now as it's been changed)