I have a small brayer I decided should get dirty at least once it it's life, I'd seen other works of art which had been made using a brayer & thought it time I joined in the fun. So on that I took down my Adirondack dye inks to choose the colours, but that's where it all started, with these 2 colours I didn't really choose. You see I picked out a red & orange just to see what they'd look like on a piece of scrap card & to test out my brayer techniques. I firstly stamped the word 'art' in black, I then wanted to see what the 2 colours would look like together over this word..... Wow that's gone well looks good at this stage, I then find myself sponging on black chalk ink around the edges
which start to really set of the stamped image.
Out then come more stamps with me looking for a nice swirly kind of stamp which I find, inked that up in black & stamped it around the edge finishing it of with a white soufflé pen. I then echo the swirly stamp on the black card by inking it up with Adirondack snow cap pigment ink.
I look at the finished card & see a halloweeny looking card looking back at me. It's only the colours that have given it that look, but I'm thinking this is just a bit spooky what with Halloween just around the corner & I didn't set out to make a card or any thing else for halloween....... or did I